In one or more 20’ container box (according to potential H2 capacity that we want ) the following components are installed
H2 GENERATION UNIT working by means of Electrolysis. This system (compared to Reforming, suitable only for big productions) can be started and stopped automatically in any moment, for several times without the need of particular proceduresi and without the assistance of an operator. It is surely the more simple and safe system and the more suitable to the productionof Hydrogen by means of Alternative Energies (wind and photovoltaic).
A PURIFICATION DEVICE acting as DRYER to make sure that Hydrogen is free from hunidity and Oxygen.
A COMPRESSOR to compress H2 up to 200/220 Bar(Pressures authorized nowadays in Italy). Higher pressures will be authorized in the future. We are waiting for the Norm that will allow 360 bar pressure.
SAFETY DEVICES that are controlling production, purification, compression and delivery.
A GROUP of containers (optional for smaller stations) for the storage of H2 ALLOWING THE CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION of H2 in the 24 hours , regardless vehicles filling time.. Such filling times are similar to the one needed to fill the cylinder of a CNG vehicle.
Please keep in mind that for the models MC4 – MN10 – MM20, in lack of storage, Fire Prevention Certificate may not be required.
MC4 HYDROGEN MICRODISTRIBUTOR type 4/200 (capacity 4Nm3/h)
With 4 Nm3/h in 24 hours 96
Nm3 hydrogen can be produced, to be used for filling single
vehicles or small fleet in long time (i.e..overnight)
Filling Capacity in 24 hours: 3,2 fill-up of pure Hydrogen to FIAT Multipla Bi-fuel or 5 al FIAT Doblò Bifuel.
Using instead a mix of HYDROMETHANE (30% H2-70% CNG) it can be performed: 10 fill-up to FIAT Multipla, 17 to Doblò or 24 Panda and 19 Mercedes.
MN10 HYDROGEN MINIDISTRIBUTOR type 10/200 (capacity 10 Nm3/h)
with 10 Nm3/h in 24 hours can be
produced 240 Nm3 H2 suitable to fill 8
FIAT Multipla or 13 FIAT Doblò or in case of Hydromethane
H2+CNG : 26 filling to FIAT Multipla, 44 FIAT
Doblò, 68 FIAT Panda, 48 Mercedes.
MA20 HYDROGEN DISTRIBUTOR type 20/200 (capacity 20 Nm3/h)
With 20 Nm3/h in 24 hours can be
produced 480 Nm3 H2, suitable for 16 fill-up to FIAT
Multipla or 26 FIAT Doblò or in case of CNG+H2 mix (Hydromethane)
to: 52 filling of FIAT Multipla or 88 FIAT Doblò or 136 Panda or
96 Mercedes.
DD40 HYDROGEN STATION type 40/200 (capacity 40 Nm3/h)
With 40 Nm3/h in 24 hours 960 Nm3
H2 can be produced suitable for 32 filling to FIAT Multipla
or 64 to FIAT Doblò or CNG+H2 mix (Hydromethane) to: 106 filling
to FIAT Multipla,176 to FIAT Doblò, 240 FIAT Panda, 192
DH60 ROAD HYDROGEN STATION type 60/200 (capacity 60 Nm3/h)
With 60 Nm3/h in 24 hours 1440
Nm3 H2 can be produced , suitable for 48 filling to FIAT Multipla
or 80 filling to FIAT Doblò or CNG+H2 mix (Hydromethane) to: 160 filling
to FIAT Multipla, 266 to FIAT Doblò, 360 to FIAT Panda, 288
HH100 HYDROGEN ROAD STATION type 100/200 (capacity 100 Nm3/h)
With 100 Nm3/h in 24 hours
2400 Nm3 H2 can be produced, suitable for 80 filling to FIAT
Multipla or 132 to FIAT Doblò or in case of ACNG+H2
(Hydromethane) to: 266 filling to FIAT Multipla, 444 to FIAT
Doblò, 600 FIAT Panda, 480 Mercedes.
It would be antieconomical “, useless overall, to think to install from the beginning stations of big capacity in area where vehicles running with H2 and CNG+H2 mix “ARE STARTING “ to be on the road. We suggest therefore to “START” with SMALL CAPACITY” pumps (MM10 o MA20).
The small elettrolytic H2 stations
are assembled on SKID or in container when the H2 request in
the area is increasing, can be quickly replaced with larger models and then displaced in other zone where H2 propelled vehicles are starting to be on the road.
For cylinders charge , a H2
delivering column is used, having pistol very similar to the one used
for CNG but obviously specific for Hydrogen. Also the timing
needed to make a filling fare “il pieno” is similar to CNG ( 3÷4
From the application of current Norms (Law Decree published on Official Gazette N°213 dated September 13th 2006) the Box for Hydrogen production can be installed in the existing Fuel Stations (or for small fleet in private spaces, judged suitable by VVF and ARPAT).
It would be appropriate that in very
big towns, in order to avoid to the vehicles to run long distances
to reach the outskirts of the town, the competent Authorities
would allow the positioning of the H2 Station in strategical
central points such as public gardens and green areas
Esemple: Sempione Park
and former General Fruit Market in Milano; Eur and Olimpic
area in Rome, Cascine Park in Firenze, etc..
The Norms nowadays are making
compulsory the positioning of Low Impact Fuel Delivery Stations
(Methane, LPG,) to be placed on the outskirts of the towns
obliging the environment-friendly driver to run for several kilometers
from town center to reach the filling station.
Such norms could make sense
years ago when danger risks with inflammable gas management was
higher . LPG and CNG proved to be SAFE nowadays and therte
is no more need to relegate Gas filling stations
in the outskirts
Even for H2 (who has
energetic power 2/3 lower than CNG) it is necessary to overcome
the idea of the “very dangerous” (named “Zeppelin
effect”) and avoid toh ave H2 penalized by an excess of safety criteria
(distances inside the station, positioning in the outskirts, ecc).
It is necessary to ease the filling to the category of drivers
that are using vehicles mainly in the town that will hardly choose
environment friendly cars if they are forced to go out-town to do
an environment-friendly fuel filling.
We wish to remember hereby that from the year 1900 soon after 2° world war, that is before “methane-wide-use” , the so called “town gas” it was a mix of H2 and CO.
In this first phase of
“adaptation” to H2 the following vehicles have been used :
FIAT Multipla, Mercedes E, Mercedes B, FIAT Panda, FIAT Doblò.
Besides the vehicles
charged with CNG that are designed toh ave on board cylinders for
compressed gas, other that can be modified for
H2 are the vans used in city centers (such as DHL, Mail
Service etc.…). These vehicles today are all front wheel drive and
therefore with loading plane very low; therefore cylinders can be
positioned on the loading plane and the goods be loaded on a 2° plane .
The volume loss it is about 0,5 m3 (25 cm of loading plane)
Beside the installation of proper Road Service Stations , AGT Hydrogen division is in a position to supplì systems allowing to fill single vehicles or small fleets.
Since usually 95% of
cars is not on the roads during the night, it could be quite economical
to fill-up hydrogen at running costs lower than diesel , without
creating problems of electric energy supply. In fact electric
energy producers are facing technical problems during the night to
decrease the energy production (because electric energy generation
system is very rigid )and therefore holiday and night supply is promoted
by application of special discounts up to 50% to the users (
chemical industry, iron industry, ecc. )
Another solution is to use PHOTOVOLTAIC panels that nowadays have quotations 10 times lower compared to 10÷15 years ago.
It is possible to purchase a photovoltaic group of 1000 kW at a price of about 500.000 euro against 6÷8 milioni of 20 years ago.